The Trust

The Puketāpapa Youth Foundation formally registered as a Charitable Trust in late 2020. However, the Foundation has been operating as the ‘Puketāpapa Youth Board’ since its establishment in May of 2018.

The Trust was established to ensure the Foundation can continue to carry out its work successfully even as our membership shifts and changes. The Trust is made up of Foundation alumni, other young leaders with experience in the youth council space, as well as a number of current Foundation members.

The Trust’s Board meets at least quarterly, and regularly attends the Foundation’s event’s and projects.

Our Trustees

Michael Howell


Michael was a founding member of the Foundation joining in 2018 at its establishment. Michael has served as the Foundation’s Executive Director and as Interim Director of Finance. Michael now serves as the Board’s Chairperson.

Outside of the Foundation Michael was a past Chairperson of Auckland Youth Voice Inc. and studies engineering at the University of Auckland.


Saakshi Hegde


Saakshi joined the Foundation in late 2019, quickly picking up a leadership role as the Executive Director, and now serves as a Board Trustee.

Outside the Foundation Saakshi studies Engineering and Commerce at the University of Auckland. She was the Youth MP representing the Mt Roskill electorate in the 2019 youth parliament term.

Sanat Singh


Sanat joined the foundation in late 2019 and has played an integral role in the success of a number of events including the Foundation’s annual Youth Summit. Sanat has carried out numerous roles on the Foundation, including Executive Director and Director of Hauora but now serves as a Board Trustee.

Outside of the Foundation Sanat studies Engineering Science at the University of Auckland, was a co-director of Make it 16, and is co-chair of the Auckland Council Youth Advisory Panel.

Raymond Feng


Raymond was a founding member of the Foundation, joining in 2018 at its establishment. Raymond acted as the Foundation’s Director of Administration and Finance until stepping in down in late 2020. Raymond serves as the Board’s Treasurer.

Outside of the Foundation, Raymond was a past Treasurer of Auckland Youth Voice Inc. and studies Engineering at the University of Auckland.